‘Tar Abhaile’ at Cuan Beo, the Community Farm’s recently established Grow Hub.
11.00 – 17.00 I Cloughjordan Community Farm
· Herbal tea bar: Rachel and Jeanne will be offering warming autumnal teas to enjoy on site, and custom blends to take away.
· Harvest Soup: Enjoy a bowl of tasty fresh soup prepared on the campfire from our farm veg which we hope to harvest on the day with participants, weather permitting.
· Mandala in the polytunnel: Nature, art, pattern and ritual. In our Mandala space in the polytunnel Lian will explore eco-printing and create a combined artwork marking the onset of winter.
Plant Sale all day on Sun 3rd Nov: this sale is to allow people to buy a useful souvenir from their day and to raise funds for our Grow Hub. Will, our Hub’s land steward, will be on hand on Sunday to offer planting and growing advice.
A Walk on the Wildside of Cloughjordan Ecovillage
16.00 – 18.00 I Leaving from the Community Farm Cuan Beo Tunnel. (Near Step Rd Entrance)
A walking conversation with Mary Reynolds, Deirdre O’Leary, and Rachel Hussey to some of
the wildest corners of Cloughjordan Ecovillage.
Price €10 – Very Limited Places – Tickets from Sheelagh na Gig Bookshop – Leaving from WeCreate
· Herbal tea bar: Rachel and Jeanne will be offering warming autumnal teas to enjoy on site, and custom blends to take away.
· Harvest Soup: Enjoy a bowl of tasty fresh soup prepared on the campfire from our farm veg which we hope to harvest on the day with participants, weather permitting.
· Mandala in the polytunnel: Nature, art, pattern and ritual. In our Mandala space in the polytunnel Lian will explore eco-printing and create a combined artwork marking the onset of winter.
Plant Sale all day on Sun 3rd Nov: this sale is to allow people to buy a useful souvenir from their day and to raise funds for our Grow Hub. Will, our Hub’s land steward, will be on hand on Sunday to offer planting and growing advice.
A Walk on the Wildside of Cloughjordan Ecovillage
16.00 – 18.00 I Leaving from the Community Farm Cuan Beo Tunnel. (Near Step Rd Entrance)
A walking conversation with Mary Reynolds, Deirdre O’Leary, and Rachel Hussey to some of
the wildest corners of Cloughjordan Ecovillage.
Price €10 – Very Limited Places – Tickets from Sheelagh na Gig Bookshop – Leaving from WeCreate
SpeakEATsy – A Taste of the Wild Side
19.00 – late I WeCreate
A convivial evening with a delicious Meal by Night Orchard with Cloughjordan Community Farm produce. After dinner conversation with Ella McSweeney RTE, BBC) and Mary Reynolds. Mary is a nature activist, reformed landscape designer, author of The Garden Awakening. Performance poetry with Mel White (XR) Music from Deirdre O’Leary (Crash Ensemble). Film and photography from Eoin Campbell (XR) and dancing with Anacalypsis and Pressure Drop DJs.
Places strictly limited to 60 – €40 Remember it is a bring your own bottle event.
BOOKING www.cultivate.ie
A convivial evening with a delicious Meal by Night Orchard with Cloughjordan Community Farm produce. After dinner conversation with Ella McSweeney RTE, BBC) and Mary Reynolds. Mary is a nature activist, reformed landscape designer, author of The Garden Awakening. Performance poetry with Mel White (XR) Music from Deirdre O’Leary (Crash Ensemble). Film and photography from Eoin Campbell (XR) and dancing with Anacalypsis and Pressure Drop DJs.
Places strictly limited to 60 – €40 Remember it is a bring your own bottle event.
BOOKING www.cultivate.ie