There are so many reasons to get involved in Community Supported Agriculture. If you are in the Cloughjordan area – join us!

Everything that comes off the farm land belongs to the members. Members also have free or low cost access to all of our training and educational events. We host social events, community meals and quarterly meetings where you have the opportunity to meet the producers and other farm members. Our vegetables are grown in healthy, nutrient rich soil and taste amazing, this makes being a part of Cloughjordan Community Farm a unique experience, as you will be directly connected to the source of your food. You’ll hear from the people who grow it and can explore the place it came from with weekly harvest reports and farm visits.

  • members commit to supporting the farm through the year
  • have access to all the farm produce, including seasonal vegetables, salads, herbs and fruits
  • the farm produce is delivered to the coach house on Main Street on Monday and Thursday
  • collect from the coach house according to your needs
  • receive weekly harvest reports, informing you of farm news and member events
  • join other members at farm events, celebrations and quarterly meetings


  • to grow, distribute and consume food from a local member owned farm
  • to provide a wide variety of seasonal vegetables, salads, herbs and fruits to farm members at a local distribution point
  • to grow to organic farming standards, without the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or artificial fertilisers.
  • to grow heritage varieties, to save our own seeds and to enrich the soil using agroecological methods
  • to providing local employment and include a variety of volunteer effort
  • to be an educational and social resource for the local and wider community

If you are interested in becoming a member please fill out the form below. You will be invited on a farm tour and will be added to the farm mailing list once your first payment comes through. Children from all family types are free.

In order to plan we would like people to sign up for a year and if your circumstances change and you need to cancel please give one months notice.

If you have any other queries about membership please call Tamara on: 086 354 4768

If you have selected to pay by monthly Standing Order – please enter the date of your first payment above. If you have chosen the Annual or Bi-annual fee – please pay by Electronic Bank Transfer (see our Bank Account IBAN details listed below). If you prefer to pay by cash or cheque – please state that in the message box below.
Please enter your email address

To set up a standing order or make a EBT see our bank details below: 

AIB IBAN: IE30AIBK93522026568189

For any other queries please call Tamara on 086 354 4768